domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

Savings fuel- Propeller polish procedure
Polish underwater (Polishing carry on  when the vessel is anchored or when loading or unloading cargo alongside)
A propeller blade surface finish has a big effect on saving fuel consumption.   marine fouling organisms attached to Blades structure reduce the efficiency of the propeller. resulting in a fall in propeller RPM

It is normally recommended a propeller polishing is carried out ate periods between drydock not  extended from two or three years to five years, it is necessary to consider service of Underwater propeller polish while the vessel is afloat between the discharge and loading operations.


martes, 2 de abril de 2019

In Panama Aquadiver team divers for Hull, cleaning use Special Twin Hydraulic Brushes to remove any kind of marine grows from vessels, have used special brushes in contact with the hull surface removing all fouling layer to remove fouling. The material of the brush can be different and depends on marine grow attached
 Different kind of brushes materials is also used on the different hull as nylon or
plastic, Stanley steel brushes are an example
Other methods of removal include: rotating  brushes that create centrifugal force
over the hull surface without touching it, high-pressure with hydraulic power packs powered
These methods are intended to reduce the friction effects of marine grow on antifouling coatings,
• UW FULL CLEANING: The term full cleaning refers to the removal of fouling from the entire underwater hull shell plates structure, additional areas, including propeller and shafts, overboard valves 
• INTERIM UW CLEANING: The term interim cleaning refers to the removal of fouling from the propeller, shafts, and rudders. Cleaning of other submerged ship systems may occur during this
gap. Interim cleanings are planned scheduled for all vessel between regular full cleanings to take advantage of fuel savings, Possible average of 50% represent fuel savings benefit of cleaning an entire hull due to

the cleaning of propeller blades.
• PARTIAL UW CLEANING – The term partial cleaning means to any cleaning where only specific areas of the ship vertical sides, rudders, sonar, bilge keels

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

Underwater Inspection survey. UWILD approved by Class offices in Panama (ABS, BV, DNVGL, KR, LR, NKK, RINA)

CCTV Video 
UW photo Inspection
Damage assessment survey
marine growth fouling inspection
Antifouling paint inspection
hull structure, propeller blades, rudder blade, sea chests, grids, internal- external. Cathodic Protection

Underwater Survey inspection It is the assessment, while the ships already is afloat, of all underwater structural parts
of the vessels underwater hull , which will provide a result or 
equivalent visual inspection o from a dry-dock inspection.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019


Conduct quick underwater
in-situ surveys, maintenance
inspections and certification
of marine-based assets and
Under liu of dry of dry docking underwater inspection  programme,
 probes are used deployed
using commercial divers 
Saves the asset owner time and
cost by reducing downtime.
 Eliminates the need for
expensive and limited drydock

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

AQUADIVER Team work with ethics, integrity, skills, vision and group spirit. In return, we offer a work environment that values experience, innovation and mutual respect between staff and management. is an equal opportunities employer in line with our Code of Ethics.



Other methods of removal Shells using: hydraulic brushes that create a Centrifugal force that adheres to the hull
scraping hull surface to remove marine fouling 
These methods are intended to reduce the adverse effects of abrasion on antifouling coatings,
both to prolong the life of the coating and to reduce friction to improve Displacement of the ship

complete the hull clean in a single pass.

UW HULL CLEANING PANAMA sometime Vessel hull has not been regularly cleaned, a build-up of Marine grow can occure. The brushes are designed to remove barnacles, but when this build up is excessive, as is often found on ships coming out of lay up, then the plough attachment is used to slice through and remove the bulk so that brushes can then complete the hull clean in a single pass

In lieu of dry dock Underwater Inspection

All requests for Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking Survey. Underwater inspection is to be carried out by a qualified diver under the surveillance of the attending Surveyor. The diver is to be employed by a firm approved by the Bureau as a service supplier. The Surveyor is to be satisfied with the method of pictorial representation, and good two-way communication between the Surveyor and divers is to be provided. If the Underwater Inspection reveals damage or deterioration that requires further attention, the Surveyor may require that the vessel drydocked in order to undertake a detailed survey and necessary repairs. The extent of the underwater inspection is to be sufficient to include all items which would normally be examined if the vessel was on drydock,  the procedures under which a properly conducted underwater inspection ma

y be credited as an alternative of Drydocking Survey